Thursday, January 31, 2008
CFO seminar
Its getting late now but still I am awake. Just keeping myself busy and killing the time until I fall asleep doing some research regarding my seminar in CFO. (commission on filipino overseas). I want to be prepared and set all the things that needs to be done prior that seminar. I just got confused when I browsed this link there is a part there stating like this
"After receipt of the passport and visa, the Filipino spouses and other partners of foreign nationals will have to register with CFO prior to their departure. Registration is done either in CFO Manila or Cebu Extension Office, Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. An emigrant registration sticker is affixed to the emigrants passport as proof of registration."
So meaning after I get the the certificate from that seminar I need to register again in CFO to get that emigrant sticker thing? Oh well I thought the CFO will do it all at once. HHMMMMM......anyways I better off to bed now. Goodnight guys. Have a nice evening..
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Need to recharge.
Last night I played the sims and didn't notic it was already 2a.m. I got addicted playing that game. That is why I am so tired today and woke up late in the morning(sleepy head)..My lazy mind doesn't want to work now..ggrrrr...I need to go back to bed and recharge my energy (lol) like the battery of a cellphone needs to be recharge when it is low bat..hahah.. Well guys see you later...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Frienship award..
I would like to thank Anna for this friendship award. This is my first award as I am a newbie here. It touches my heart that you still treasure me as one of your bestfriends. Despite your busy life and mine as well. I really appreciate it. Thank you for being there when I have a problem. You deserve this award too. Thanks once again.
Thank you yat!!
Eden Park at Davao, Phils.

Monday, January 28, 2008
Long escalator.
I was amazed with this long escalator going up to the mountain views of Ocean Park when we were in Hongkong. It took us 48 years (heheheeh) to reach the top using this escalator. Oh my 'twas my first time to ride an escalator like that. It was bit scary coz if you keep moving you will stumble and fall to the ground. But, it was good then coz you dont need to walk going up to that mountain. You can hear also a music while standing in that escalator though ,so you will not feel sleepy. Just wondering if there is someone fell on that escalator..Oh well I hope there is none.!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Alex first time in Davao.
The Prince and I.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Approval Letter from the Aust embassy.
Just got a mail from the embassy today. I am so happy because I received an approval letter from the Australian embassy. Thank God long wait is over. I don't have the visa yet because I did not submit my original passport. Anyway , it wont take long to get the visa stamp. Now I am relieved that we don't have any problems regarding our visa application. I can't describe my emotion now. I am blessed and so so so happy. I can't wait to be my bf now. There are just some things that we need to do to be with him again. Ok peeps, need to log off for now. See yah later!!